Join our Southeast Asia digital eco village on a mission to help impact making founders and talents build the sustainable cities and communities of their dreams through sustainable development.
A good part of YSI SEA and Interseed was largely driven by the amazing ground up eco friendly support that we managed to secure throughout Southeast Asia featuring players from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and many more that are eager to be a part of a thriving sustainability community achieving SDG goals.
Here are some amazing highlights of what has been done in 2019 we have more to come as we grow our eco community on a track to environmental sustainability and social sustainability!
Thank you for being a part of our sustainability community hosting these sustainability events, green events! Onward with sustainable community development together!
Environmental Sustainability with Laos on the way to Sustainable Living!
Thien Sengthien and Ann Chirdchung hosted a Youth Engagement on SDGs, Towards Zero Waste workshop and to bring the youths, secondary school students, onboard for social sustainability activities, and help encourage self-sustainable communities.
In rural areas, most people are not familiar with the SDGs. Thien and Ann aims to teach them how each of SDGs influences the world, the initiatives they can engage with, and the possibility of adopting strategies such as learning about sustainable products.
Over 50% of the participants who joined in the workshop did not know what SDGs are! Therefore, this workshop was fruitful for them to find out the way they would like to change their environment to reduce wastage etc.
Special guest speaker includes Mr. Phonesavanh. Thank you for your support!
They also hosted a river cleanup called, Cleaned That-Laung which attracted a staggering amount of 160 youths!! They embarked on a challenge to help clean up the environment that has been polluted by land waste by cleaning up the riverfront.
Thank you for being a part of our sustainability community hosting these sustainability events, green events!
If you'd like to find out more about SDGs in Laos, check out:
Hi everyone, we are bringing back the Community Leader Program that saw 315 sign ups back in 2019!
The YSI SEA and Interseed's Community and Outreach Team are recruiting Sustainability Event Community Leaders from all around Southeast Asia!
Do you have passion for Sustainable Development and love bringing communities together in order to build sustainable cities and communities?
Looking to host sustainability events and need extra extra tools and a marketing boost?
Want to be a part of a sustainability community for founders and talents? Check out our platform for founders and talents!